Bergen Municipality wants to increase electric vehicle chargers through sharing

Bergen municipality is adopting new technology to better share and utilize its own electric car chargers. The secret is an open and independent charging network for electric cars from Fount.

Bergen Municipality wants to increase electric vehicle chargers through sharing

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Bergen municipality is adopting new technology to better share and utilize its own electric car chargers. The secret is an open and independent charging network for electric cars from Fount.

Bergen has Europe's largest density of electric cars. By 2030, the goal is for most cars to be fossil-free. But then a good charging infrastructure must also be in place.

"We want as much emission-free traffic as possible on our roads, but we have several challenges that must be solved before we reach our goal," says Lars Ove Kvalbein, advisor at the Section for Sustainable Mobility in Bergen Municipality.

READ MORE: How to rent out the municipality's electric car chargers

On a walk through Bergen city centre, he shows off new charging points.

"These chargers are earmarked for car sharing. Then we kill two birds with one stone. We are reducing the number of cars in the city centre, and we are getting more people to drive fossil-free. Both make for a greener city, he says and states:

"It's no use having one charger per car in the city centre. It is unsustainable and physically impossible. Instead, we collaborate with new and exciting technology companies that have their business model planted in the sharing economy.

Sharing is part of the solution

The sharing economy has enabled us to share everything from cars and homes to utilities and food, and has created new business models for a variety of companies. One of these companies is Fount, which is headquartered in Bergen. They are in the process of revolutionizing the sharing of EV chargers.

Bergen municipality has been testing the Fount platform since last year.

"Fount has developed an open and independent charging network for electric cars, which will provide better utilization of our existing charging infrastructure," says Kvalbein.

The pilot project between Fount and Bergen includes municipal chargers close to a sports facility in Åsane. A total of 25 chargers have been shared through the platform since November last year.

"It's worked really well. No complaints from users so far," he said.

The Fount platform has a user-friendly dashboard that provides a good overview of charging availability and prices.  The platform also produces good data for those who share chargers.

"The data we get from Fount is worth its weight in gold when we plan. Here we see exactly when and where the need for charging is great," says Kvalbein.

Energy platform for sharing

Fount's charger sharing platform saw the light of day in April 2020.

"Anyone who has a charging station for electric cars can register on our platform and offer charging of electric cars to others," says Håvard Mjelleli, business developer at Fount.

People who want to charge their electric car can then find available charging stations near their location and book a charging station through the Fount app.

– Private individuals can also rent out their own chargers when it suits them through our app, Mjelleli continues, adding:

"Fount's goal is to make it easier and more accessible for electric car owners to both find and use charging stations nearby. Our idea is simple: to make better use of existing charging stations by sharing them with others.

The service can also be a source of income for those who have a charging station available.

"They can charge for letting others use it. Fount charges a small commission for each transaction conducted through the platform.

Many unused chargers

With Europe's largest electric car density and investment in technology to solve mobility challenges in the green shift, Bergen has become a pioneer city.

"We get a lot of calls from other parts of the country. They ask about everything from car sharing, micromobility and charging electric cars.

– What do you tell us about charging?

–That it is necessary to invest in some expansion of public charging capacity with good utilization, smart pricing and time limit, but that it is also wise to invest in a resource that is already there.

"We have many chargers standing on municipal land, such as schools and nursing homes. These might charge a service car or some visiting cars occasionally. We have 2-300 such chargers that are available for large parts of the day. Then sharing is the solution to utilize capacity.

- And Fount has cracked the code?

"A platform where you can register chargers and set opening hours and prices makes it very flexible and usable for us. The open platform also makes sharing easy considering all the different types of chargers and apps out there.

Start sharing & earning
from your chargers today!