A Summer Dive in the Future of EV Charging System

A Summer Dive in the Future of EV Charging System

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Dear Community.

While it is really hot in southern parts of Europe, the Nordic summer fails to deliver, prompting many Norwegians to head south for vacation with their EVs, facing unfamiliar charging solutions.

As we dive into the season, it's exciting to watch the EV charging ecosystem evolve so rapidly. The market is growing at an incredible pace, and Fount is right there in the mix, striving to make a significant impact.

We’re seeing a diverse range of needs among our customers, depending on who they are and what they do:

  • Basic Needs: Some customers require a straight-forward charging and payment solution with robust administrative features to support employees, tenants, guests, and third parties.
  • Energy Management: With the energy market becoming more volatile due to solar and wind power, coupled with a strained power grid, advanced load management solutions are in high demand. These solutions help align consumption with fluctuating market prices.
  • Infrastructure Management: Major infrastructure owners focusing on DC chargers need reliable asset management to maintain their facilities.
  • Variety of Charger Types: We cater to customers with only AC or only DC chargers, or a combination of both. Additionally, different types of hardware are needed to support various charging requirements.
  • Fleet Solutions: The next significant challenge is the electrification of heavy-duty vehicles and fleets, which requires tailored charging solutions to maintain their competitive edge.

All these variables are shaping the future of our solutions.

No markets are alike. While Norwegians rely on one of the strongest grids in the world, powered by renewable hydropower, European markets are different. Heavy loads of solar and wind, combined with a weaker distribution grid, require unique solutions for charging operators. However, the maturity of the EV market in Norway has led to the development of advanced charging solutions ready to be deployed in the European market. There is no need to repeat the mistakes twice.

The ecosystem is fully digital and developing at breakneck speed. Delivering comprehensive solutions that meet all customer needs is becoming increasingly challenging. Trying to be everything to everyone often means that nothing is done exceptionally well.

At Fount, our guiding star is to excel at what we do best. We pride ourselves on being masters of our platform, providing our customers with the best administrative and user experience possible. And we partner with experts in other areas to deliver the best overall service.

I'd love to discuss these developments further if you're interested. In the meantime, enjoy the summer and take some time to rest and recharge!


With summer vibes from Bergen,

Wenche //CEO Fount

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